3, 4, 5 (Borough Hall)
A, C (Jay Street/Metro Tech)
R, M (Court

St. Francis College
180 Remsen St
(bet Court & Clinton)
Use Main Entrance, pictured above
Brooklyn, NY 11242
If You Get Lost
Use a GPS location device on your phone— such as Google Maps.
Ask people where St. Francis College is. Many people will know. Also ask where Packer Collegiate High School is: it’s on the same street as St. Francis.
Ask people to point you toward Borough Hall, which is very near the intersection of Court Street and Remsen. Once you find that intersection, walk on Remsen Street until you get to 180 Remsen.
Subway Directions from Manhattan
Take the 4 / 5 train Downtown into Brooklyn
Get off at Borough Hall
When you exit the train station, try to find a Starbucks on the corner, which should be on the corner of Court Street and Remsen. Once you find that intersection, walk on Remsen Street until you get to 180 Remsen. It’ll be a 5-minute walk from the train station.
Take the R line Downtown into Brooklyn
Get off at Court Street. Do not take the exit with the elevator. Take the exit with escalator. When you leave the exit, you’ll be on Court Street. Keep walking on Court until you see Remsen Street. Turn right and walk to 180 Remsen Street. It’ll be a 7 to 10 min walk from the subway stop.
Take the A/C/E/F train Downtown into Brooklyn
Get off at Jay Street-Metrotech
When you exit the train, find the exit that says “Willoughby Street.” Walk North toward Pearl Street and Boerum Place. You should walk through a public square with coffee tables set up for the public to use. (If you have an iPhone, use Google Maps).
Keep walking until you reach Court Street and Remsen. Stay on Remsen until you get to 180 Remsen.
It'll be a 1--minute walk from subway stop.
Students who will Take the Bus from Poly Prep CDS:
You can take the 4 o’clock bus from Poly and get to my office by
4:45. Or you can take the 6
o’clock bus and get to my office by 6:30. (Fridays the
4 o'clock bus leaves at 3 PM.)
Even though my office is in Brooklyn Heights, the bus you should take is actually called the PARK SLOPE BUS NUMBER 1.
Look for Bus # 27.
Ask the driver to let you off at the stop called: "Hicks and Montague."
The 2/3 train
2 or 3 train Downtown into Brooklyn
(12 to 14-minute ride)
Get off and walk toward the back of the train.
Look for the escalator exit that says “Escalator / Court Street R”
Take the escalator up.
After the turnstile, take the right exit.
When you exit the train station, you’ll be on Court Street. Look for 26 Court Street.
Directions from Xavier High School
Take the 4 / 5 train from Union Square
4 / 5 train Downtown into Brooklyn
(10 to 12-minute ride)
Get off at Borough Hall
When you exit the train station, try to find a building with a red NYSC (New York Sports Club) sign. It'll be an easy 2-minute walk from the train station to my office. If you get lost, use your iPhone or ask people for the intersection of Court and Remsen Streets. Or ask them to point you toward the building called “Borough Hall”
Take the R train from Union Square
R train Downtown into Brooklyn
(12 to 14-minute ride)
Get off at Court Street
Do not take the exit with the elevator. Take the exit with escalator. When you leave the exit, you’ll be on Court Street. Keep walking on Court until you see Remsen Street. Turn right and walk to 180 Remsen Street. It’ll be a 7 to 10 min walk from the subway stop.
If the 4/5 or R trains aren't working: Take the F train at 6th Ave and 14th Street
F train Downtown into Brooklyn
(12 to 14 minute ride)
Get off at Jay Street-Metrotech
When you exit the train, find the exit that says “Willoughby Street.” Walk North toward Pearl Street and Boerum Place. You should walk through a public square with coffee tables set up for the public to use. (If you have an iPhone, use Google Maps).
Try to find a building with a red NYSC (New York Sports Club) sign. That’s my office building.
If you get lost, ask people for the intersection of Court and Remsen Streets. Or ask them to point you toward the building called “Borough Hall”
It'll be a 7-minute walk from the train station to my office.
Take the 2/3 train at 7th Ave and 14th Street
2 or 3 train Downtown into Brooklyn
(12 to 14-minute ride)
Get off and walk toward the back of the train.
Look for the escalator exit that says “Escalator / Court Street R”
Take the escalator up.
After the turnstile, take the right exit.
When you exit the train station, you’ll be on Court Street. Look for 26 Court Street.
Free Iphone App: HopStop
Download the free iPhone app called “HopStop.” This app tells you the subway + walking directions from any starting address to any destination address—within the 4 boroughs of NYC! It also tells you the total TIME for your route, from start to finish.