Mock Exam Sign Up

Sign up Deadline: Friday 12 PM
Click “Book Now” (below)

+ When you book, make sure to enter in the COMMENTS section which test you’ll take: SAT, ACT, SAT-extended time, ACT-extended time.
Make sure that your test is offered on the day you sign up forNot every test is offered on every date. See details on left sidebar.
+ Show up 15 minutes before the exam start time (esp. if it’s your first time taking a mock exam)
+ If you are late for the exam, you have to sit out the first section. Do not barge into the room. Enter the room only when there is a break between sections.

Missed the deadline?
Please do not text Mr. Luu. Click the “Book Now.” The system will indicate if there is available space. 

FREE for Luu Tutoring students
*But if you sign up for the mock exam but “no-show,” you will be charged $15

Duration of Mock Exams: check left sidebar (near the bottom)
What to Bring: check left sidebar (bottom)

Not a Student of Luu Tutoring?
Do NOT click the Book Now button below. Instead, email us at to see if there is available space2)The mock exam charge for a non-Luu Tutoring student is $75 (non-refundable if you no-show)

STUDENTS: in the “Comments” box, indicate which test you will be taking: PSAT, SAT, ACT, etc—and, if you get 1.5 ET, indicate so.     © Khoi Luu 2020