Summer Class 2018 12 Classes Homework 8

Homework #8—Due for 9th Class


In the Blue “Critical Reading” Handout

p. 16-17: Review notes on the Paired Passages, paying careful attention to the notes about the “How Da Freak Would I Know?” Questions

p. 17B, 17C, 17D: do only the black-starred questions. Answers on the bottom of each page

Math Reds: Homework in Your Math Textbook
p. 162: all

p. 163: 3, 24, 5, 6

p. 164: 3-7

p. 165: 1, 2, 9, 11

p. 166: 1

Grammar: Study for the Quiz/Contest on Direction Words (Words are at the bottom of the page.

In the Blue Book: do Test 3:  Section 2 (Grammar) and Section 4 (Calculator Math)


 Straight Direction Words

  Furthermore, Moreover, In addition to, Additionally, Also, Next, What’s more, Besides

  Last = Finally

  Subsequently: “afterward in time” 

  In other words = In short. Used to re-state, clarify, or summarize a previous assertion (& therefore emphasize it)

  Indeed has 2 different usages.
1) When used to confirm a previous assertion, indeed means “Truly” or “For sure”
Example: Before I started teaching you, I had a feeling that you’d be a fantastic student. Indeed, you’ve matched my expectations.
2) When used to introduce an additional—and stronger or more surprising point, indeed means “Here’s an interesting/surprising point:”
Example: Despite failing his first two quizzes, Drew changed his study habits and finished with an A-. Indeed, had he not done so poorly at the start, he might not have ended with such a good grade.

  Broadly speaking. Used to introduce a generalization or broad definition

● Similarly = Likewise = By the same token Along those lines. Used to link 2 sentences that are analogous to each other. The 2 sentences must have 2 similar ideas—2 ideas that you can compare. The second sentence can NOT introduce a new ideas

“Cause & Effect” Direction Words

  As a resultSince; Because; so; Due to


  Thus / Therefore 



  Given that

  formeans because
The rain has been canceled, for it is raining out.

  For these reasons: means “Because of the above reasons,…”

  To this end: means “to achieve this goal”

Memorize These “Turning” Direction Words

  However; Yet; but

  Although / Though / Even though

  Despite / In spite of 

  Nonetheless / Nevertheless



  Even sosimilar meaning to nonetheless

  Still: can mean however
: In this zoo the bears are cute and cuddly; still, you should exercise caution when you approach the cages.

  While: similar meaning to although
: While I’ll concede that some of your points are valid, I disagree with your central argument.

  At the same time On the other handsimilar meaning to however
The Yankees are not my favorite team. At the same time, I want them to win the World Series because I hate the Dodgers.     © Khoi Luu 2015