Light the genius Within
Name: Email: Student's Name School Year of Graduation 10th grade PSAT scores for all 3 sections: Reading, Writing, Math 10th grade PLAN scores (5 scores): English, Math, Reading, Science, Composite Street Address City, State Zip Parent's Phone Best Time to Reach Me: morning, afternoon, evenings, weekend, etc Studen'ts Email Which class are you interested in? Fundamentals Plus” Class (10 + students) Honors (10+ students; Must meet minimum starting score) Pick Your Options for Classes WED 6:30 PM (best for athletes who have games on the weekends or any student who goes away on the weekends) THUR 3:30 PM Please indicate how you heard of Luu Tutoring (formerly Merit Scholars Tutoring): newspaper ad (please specify); Internet search; referred by teacher/ friend/coworker (please specify name so that we can send a thank-you card) Additional Questions / Comments New field